
39 Bildung Virger Zeitung gen wurde ihr Beitrag als einer der Gewinnertexte ausgezeichnet. Many congratulations to ALL of you! The idea which saved the planet It was the 2nd of July 2598. At this time everything was made by robots and the people did nothing. But one man, his name was Brian, lived on a hill and he worked every day. However, not as a robot builder, he was a farmer. At this time he was the last farmer in the world. The other people didn‘t know that he existed, but he was the reason why they still were alive. He was the one who delivered the food to the robots. He never wanted to eat any- thing the robots made, so he had to pro- duce his own food. That wasn‘t easy. A few years later the robots weren‘t working anymore and the people didn‘t know how to repair them. The people couldn‘t cook, they couldn‘t clean, they could do nothing, but Brian decided to change something and wanted to show the people that when they use their brain, they could try to save the world. On the 23rd of August 2603 everything was normal again, but Brian‘s idea to show the people how to work and how to use their brain saved the planet. Gewinnertext von Carina Egger, 3b Mittelschule Virgental Lesen in der Mittelschule Wie oft sind wir pro Tag mit dem Lesen von verschiedenen Informa- tionen beschäftigt? Wenn man sich diese Frage stellt, wird man feststel- len, dass Lesen häufig unbewusst passiert und wir in allen Lebens- situationen damit konfrontiert wer- den. Lesen ist jedoch viel mehr als nur das Entziffern der einzelnen Worte, Lesen beinhaltet auch die Fähigkeit, Texte inhaltlich zu verste- hen und darüber zu reflektieren, um überhaupt am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilnehmen zu können. Kurz und knapp: Lesen kann ich erst, wenn ich auch den Inhalt verstehe. Dem Lesen wird an der Mittel- schule Virgental ein hoher Stellen- wert zugeschrieben, da es für alle Fächer und künftig auch für alle SchülerInnen der 3. Klasse präsentieren ihre Leserollen. Lesetagebuch Brian showed them that they need to work. Many people became farmers too, but only because of Brian the world could improve now.